OEM MIKA3D PLA. Black, Dark Grey.
Same coupon as yesterday’s Sapphire Blue deal, with some new colors on sale… poke around, there maybe more stuff there that i missed.
I don’t know wtf is happening with these prices, but i’m not complaining 🙂
Price after 30% off coupon on page.
There is a 10% targeted Brand promotion on page that i clicked to redeem as part of previous deal, and can’t unredeem in order to post a clean total. One below is with it. A buck more without.
Order Summary
Items: | $9.99 |
Shipping & handling: | $0.00 |
Your Coupon Savings: | -$3.00 |
Exclusive Promotion Applied: | -$1.00 |
Total before tax: | $5.99 |