Was about 3 bucks cheaper on AliEx during 11.11 sale, and will probably end up about the same during Black Friday.
Still… not bad for Amazon with Prime, and returns until Jan 31st.
Was about 3 bucks cheaper on AliEx during 11.11 sale, and will probably end up about the same during Black Friday.
Still… not bad for Amazon with Prime, and returns until Jan 31st.
My MASSSIVE following of 9 people will be crushed...Most of the regulars already know that the amount of advertising or promotion i do for the site is ...
Plastic Fantastic Deals (P.F.D) is a daily (mostly) aggregator of deals on Filament, 3D Printers, Parts, Resin, and other random useful things.
As an affiliate i earn a commission from qualifying purchases from the following merchants:
Amazon.com, AliExpress.com, Creality.com, Flashforgeshop.com, Elegoo.com, Anycubic.com, Sovol3d.com and Ebay.com.
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