Use the Schedule Page to see all the Black Friday Deals.

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There are two feeds on the site related to “Today’s Deals” section on Amazon – Today’s Deals and Schedule Page.

Today’s Deals is usually the best way to see what’s out there. However, during big sales (like Black Friday and Prime Day) Amazon drastically changes the definition of what they consider to be a deal, and include pretty much EVERYTHING…

Instead of the usual 80-100 items, that section now contains around 2,000. There is no way to efficiently import that many items into the site, especially on an automated schedule, without having something explode. But most importantly – there is no point. These are not deals. 90% of the stuff that’s there now is what’s usually found in the “All Discounts” section – kind of a tier B to “Today’s Deals”. In other words – it’s the same stuff at the same prices as always.

Right now Today’s Deals feed is picking up the first 5 pages of that section (sorted by lowest price), which is usually way more than enough to get everything. Today there are 84 pages there, so first 5 pages of lowest priced items will bring in nothing but the cheap stuff – nozzles, etc. This is about 6%’ish of all the total deals (or “non deals”) Amazon has listed. This doesn’t make that feed useless, maybe you happen to be looking for cheap nozzles, but………

I’m debating whether to just turn it off, and temporarily hide that page until after Black Friday, when things go back to normal again.

In the meantime, use the Schedule Page. That page actually shows all the Black Friday deals, including their start and end times. It’s not the most organized (it’s not meant to be this busy), but everything that’s actually a Black Friday deal is there.


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