Please stop doing this… the annual rant.
Posting this across all categories, to make sure everyone sees it…
As most of you know i work in a bubble. I am my own source of deals, and pretty much everything that appear here have been found the old fashioned way – i dug for it on Amazon, Ebay, etc… often spending hours upon hours doing so. I don’t check any other deal sites. Everything i find is my own, and i’m proud of that fact.
Every once in a while (like once a year) i poke my head out of the bubble, just to see if i’m missing anything important. You will instantly know when it happens, because it inevitably leads to this rant.
I’ve been doing this long enough… i know every single decent deal i post here gets lifted by the one i affectionately call Petunia within minutes. And not just 3d printing stuff anymore, it’s just about everything… Petunia is quite a voracious whore.
Petunia is not “mentally challenged” (though i hear things), and is not an invalid. Neither are the two brothers that run the “red light district”. Between the 3 of them, they are more than perfectly capable to do what i do – actually look for deals themselves.
So let them… let them do their own work, and let them find their own deals.
Stop running over there with the stuff you find here. It’s incredibly disheartening to see something that took me hours to flush out immediately show up over there. It doesn’t make me feel any better knowing that these deals are being hand delivered there by the same people who see them here first. At the very least make them “earn it” at least a little bit…. they’re perfectly capable of lifting deals from my site themselves, trust me on that one 🙂
The way i see it – when you do this, you take my hard work and hand it over to someone who put in zero effort, while flipping me a middle finger in the process. It’s very disrespectful, to say the least.
Please stop doing it…
Thank you.
Ok, that’s it for the annual rant… back to deals 🙂
I appreciate your hard work! Thank you.