Buggy AliEx links…
AliEx, as always, is a mess….
Latest problem is the same exact problem that’s been happening for months – buggy links from SuperDeals section.
I posted a few deals from there today that are affected.
Basically, SuperDeals have their own parameters in the link that tell AliEx if it should display the SuperDeals price or the regular price. The main tool their website uses to make the links seems to strip those parameters out.
There is another, manual, and super buggy tool that they have internally that doesn’t make that mistake, but it’s a giant pain to use….
Before the night is over, i’ll relink the deals that are misfiring, but in the meantime – if you see an AliEx deal that doesn’t match the screenshot (why they’re always included), please let me know in the comments.
It’s not just the linking, the entire SuperDeals section is busted for me. No links actually open, and i get a “under maintenance” error. The only way i can navigate that section is to open each link in incognito mode (which gives the wrong, new user price) and then copy the link from incognito over to the regular browser. I get this behavior across all desktop browsers (mobile seems to be not as affected). Occasionally a new install of a “virgin” browser will work for a day or so, but then……… same thing.
So, when i post the “fixed” link for these deals, it also errors out for me with “under maintenance”, and i also need to do the whole incognito copy/pasta dance to get it to work. You may have to do the same, if you’re on the desktop and get that error.
There is nothing i can do about this. This is not a site issue that i can fix, this is an AliEx issue. They’re “aware of it”, and have been so since it started popping up around Black Friday, but……….