Bugs, and more bugs… for now.

Deal Score+1
Deal Score+1

Bugs, bugs, everyday… from London, Canada and the USA 🙂

Yep… things are a bit buggy right now, and this time it’s (shockingly) not my fault.

There are currently two bugs live on the site – main feeds are not updating properly, and some of the feeds pages get garbled up once in a while.

The garbled up pages (looks like the page didn’t finish forming) are a side effect of the caching plugin. I have been going back and forth with their support for a couple of days now, trying all kind of fixes, with mixed success. I’m going to allow one of their devs access to the site tonight to see if they can figure this out, and if they can’t – i can just disable caching entirely. I don’t like this fix, since it will slow down page loads significantly, but there is a “break glass in case of emergency” fix for this. In the meantime, if you run across one of these garbled pages, please let me know on Discord. As a reminder – by default cache is not setup for logged in users, so logging in fixes the problem instantly.

Feeds are not returning full results, and are sometimes returning nonsense. This is a problem with the 3’rd party api i’m using to get this data. They are aware of it, and are working on it. This (3’rd party api flipping out) has actually become a surprisingly “normal” occurrence before a big sale (Prime Day, Black Friday, etc). Amazon tends to change a lot of things about the way their site runs and presents products for these sales, which screws with the api. I’ll give them a day or so to get this fixed, and if they can’t – i have a fix of my own that i can roll out.

The feeds issue affects Today’s Deals, Schedule, and all the Main Feeds (main Filament, main Printers, etc). It does not affect any of the Alt feeds, since those use a different api.

I was convinced i was done chasing bugs last week, so i can focus on deals this week, but……..

Black Friday (at least on Amazon) officially starts on the 21’st, so at least there are a few days left to get all these bugs out.


Things have been quiet... dealing with some health issues.Same problem as before - one of my eyes flares up, and i start to rapidly loose vision. This ...

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