Ebay 20% off coupon (exp 8/19) and some other minor updates.
One of the more underrated deals… eBay 20% off coupon is back 🙂

This coupon shows up periodically, but sometimes there’s just nothing good there. This particular incarnation is not bad.
CREALITY sellers adjusted their prices up to compensate (K1 was $399 two days ago without coupon, $399 now after coupon, etc), but others (like ANYCUBIC, ELEGOO and SOVOL) have kept theirs “normal”, so this coupon actually has some bite.
I already posted some deals (sticking to “our section” for now), and i’m sure there will be more to come. This coupon runs for almost two weeks, so plenty of time left. Good chance some of the prices may change in that time… some for the better, some not.
2 time use, no minimum, $500 max (not sure if for each use, or combined).
Poke around… use the search box (the one in the coupon page, not the main one) to help you get around, etc.
As a reminder – deals that go up here from eBay are all from established sellers, with lots of sales volume, and good reviews/reputation. I make it a point to avoid random shmucks reselling from their basement. Everything that goes up is either from the official company store, or an official reseller. These are legit deals sold by the same people, and shipped from the same warehouses as the official company website, etc.
In some cases, like ELEGOO, they’re also usually the best deals available anywhere. ELEGOO has left AliEx (for US, still there for “other places”), and they don’t really deal on their website or Amazon. Best ELEGOO deals always seem to pop up from their official store on eBay.
Thanks to NighReaver on Discord for the heads up that the coupon was back 🙂
Some minor updates…
Schedule is back. Feed is back to working as it should, so things are back to normal. Still need to approve the schedule posts manually, as they still occasionally misfire, so time of day when it’s posted will vary, but…… it’s back 🙂
Filament FEEDS are still a bit buggy, but getting better. Today’s Deals Page, however, is working fine. Hoping to finally add at least one more feed by end of week (most likely Resin).