For notifications, as of right now…

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

Telegram – Automated full feed of all deals. 2 minute delay.
Discord – Automated feed of all deals, broken up into categories. 2 minute delay.
Reddit – Manual. 3D Printing stuff only. Inconsistent.
Twitter – Manual. 3D Printing stuff only. Inconsistent.

Twitter (still can’t bring myself to call it X) and Reddit are both manual, for now. Automation is all setup and working, but can’t be used…. again, for now. In the case of Twitter, the account is still new, and automating posts with nothing but links to an affiliate deal site will instantly trigger all kinds of anti-spam filters, and rightfully so, leading to a quick account ban. Twitter has no problem with automation, and no problem with deal posts, but the combo of the two and a new account is problematic for them. So, the account needs to “marinate” a bit. Pick up a few more followers, etc. Then it shouldn’t be a problem.

Manual posting is inconsistent. Most of the time i’m “on it”, but sooner or later i’ll burn out and stop posting for weeks or months, which is what happened to the Reddit sub last time.

So, as of right now…

Telegram is your best bet if you just want a clean automated feed, with no chatter.
Discord is probably the best option overall, and where you can get the same feed, broken up by categories, and with other customizations (like when a deal goes HOT, etc)…. plus a small, but growing and helpful community. It’s a bit messy and can be a bit loud, until it’s customized (mute/unmute channels you don’t use), plus you’ll occasionally have to suffer through one of my Petunia rants…. so it’s not all roses, but it’s been “home” lately 🙂


Things have been quiet... dealing with some health issues.Same problem as before - one of my eyes flares up, and i start to rapidly loose vision. This ...

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