It’s the calm before the storm… craziness starts tomorrow :)
It’s always quiet before a big Amazon sale. Partially because i don’t like posting stuff knowing that it will most likely be cheaper next day, but mostly – because things are kind of dead on Amazon itself.
Today’s Deal Schedule post errored out – it was blank. The feed i’ve been using has been buggy since Amazon started “fixing things”, so i figured something went wrong, but nope – it’s just blank because there are no deals scheduled on Amazon today. No Lightning Deals, no Best Deals…. nothing. Dead day.
It’s not going to be dead tomorrow 🙂
I already have most of tomorrow’s schedule, and it’s going to be a massive wave of deals. Not all great or even good deals, but a huge amount of them.
Which is par for the course – Prime Day is just a long parade of Lightning Deals. Same sellers, mostly at the same prices as the Lightning Deals you see pretty much all the time…. just all at once.
As a perfect example of what to expect…
One of the sellers has sent me a preview of their Prime Day deals. They have a printer that ends up on Lightning Deals at $499 at least twice a week, and is a Prime Exclusive at the same $499 for at least a week out of the each last 3 months. They will have this same printer for $479 on Prime Day. Technically, this will be this printer’s lowest price ever on Amazon, which is nice….. but it’s also only $20 cheaper than what it sells for most of the time. 4% off just doesn’t have much “bite” to it 🙂
Deals go live at midnight Amazon time (3am). I’ll have the schedule up an hour or so before that.
Once live, all deals should end up in amzToday feed, so make sure to check that page regularly (updates hourly).
Will have more updates as they come up. Discord will serve as the “command center” of sorts, so make sure to drop by…