DURAMIC PLA. Water Blue, Denim Blue
DURAMIC tends to change their prices around often, and is one of the reasons i decided to create FEEDS to begin with… which is where i found this (sort by price).
DURAMIC tends to change their prices around often, and is one of the reasons i decided to create FEEDS to begin with… which is where i found this (sort by price).
My MASSSIVE following of 9 people will be crushed...Most of the regulars already know that the amount of advertising or promotion i do for the site is ...
And right on que friends are starting to show up 🙂
Added Denim Blue.
I cant find either of these colors or pricing. :(( Really liked that sky blue
Yep… can no longer find them either.
Either sold out, or pulled… not sure.
Thanks for the heads up.
Plastic Fantastic Deals (P.F.D) is a daily (mostly) aggregator of deals on Filament, 3D Printers, Parts, Resin, and other random useful things.
As an affiliate i earn a commission from qualifying purchases from the following merchants:
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All links to these merchants are affiliate.
This seller tends to deal in bunches…
Right now i only see this price on this one color, but there is a good chance that by morning it will have some “friends” 🙂