FIROS PETG (Lightning Deal)
There is a 15% off coupon on page on some colors, including Yellow. It refuses to work for me in cart, but has been confirmed on Discord to be working for just about everyone else.
There is a 15% off coupon on page on some colors, including Yellow. It refuses to work for me in cart, but has been confirmed on Discord to be working for just about everyone else.
My MASSSIVE following of 9 people will be crushed...Most of the regulars already know that the amount of advertising or promotion i do for the site is ...
Plastic Fantastic Deals (P.F.D) is a daily (mostly) aggregator of deals on Filament, 3D Printers, Parts, Resin, and other random useful things.
As an affiliate i earn a commission from qualifying purchases from the following merchants:
Amazon.com, AliExpress.com, Creality.com, Flashforgeshop.com, Elegoo.com, Anycubic.com, Sovol3d.com and Ebay.com.
All links to these merchants are affiliate.