Price after code USAFF80 at checkout, and $10 off store coupon (clip on page)

Price after code USAFF80 at checkout, and $10 off store coupon (clip on page)
My MASSSIVE following of 9 people will be crushed...Most of the regulars already know that the amount of advertising or promotion i do for the site is ...
Not sure what to say…
Just updated the post with a screenshot of my cart/checkout as of about a minute ago. Seems to be working.
Yeah, I have no idea why but it doesn’t work for me. Oh well.
I was able to apply USAFF80 instead of USAAF50 for 80 off for a grand total after tax price of 711.69
Plastic Fantastic Deals (P.F.D) is a daily (mostly) aggregator of deals on Filament, 3D Printers, Parts, Resin, and other random useful things.
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Won’t allow me to use the coupon, says it’s single use and can not be used here.