AliExpress Choice Day Sale (May 1-7th)

AliExpress issued their sales schedule for May, and it’s pretty much a blank… this is the only sale on it. Possible that they may add something later in the month (there always used to be a big sale in May), but as of right now – this is it.
Choice Day is a monthly sale, always starting on the 1st of the month. From there things vary, as AliEx seems to be experimenting with just about everything – how long they want to run this, the format, whether codes are available, etc… it looks like they haven’t settled on it’s final form yet.
Past Choice Day sales were limited to custom stores designated as “Choice”, which were specifically setup by selected sellers. Not everyone could open a Choice store, a seller had to meet certain criteria, and be vetted in some ways, etc. This didn’t really work as well in practice as it did in theory, as plenty of shady sellers still managed to get in. Plus, not every legit seller wanted to deal with running yet another storefront (AliEx treats Choice stores as separate sellers, with separate seller id’s etc), so the selection of available items was always very limited.
Things are a bit different this time around, and AliEx seems to be treating this Choice Day as more or less “yet another sale”. It’s not “the full circus” of some of their big events…. just a solid “normal” sale, with all the usual suspects participating. This means that deals are not limited to Choice stores, and codes/coupons work the same exact way as any other sale, etc.
No Spend and Save this time around (showed up on past Choice Days), but that’s not all that unusual lately, as AliEx skipped it the last two big sales as well.
There are codes 🙂
Two sets of codes are issued – one is listed on AliEx, and one was emailed to affiliates. All codes are one time use per account.
$3 off $29 – USAFF3 or CDUS03
$8 off $69 – USAFF8 or CDUS08
$20 off $169 – USAFF20 or CDUS20
$30 off $239 – USAFF30 or CDUS30
$50 off $369 – USAFF50 or CDUS50
And finally…. same link as always – goes to the main 3d Printing section of AliEx, with some options (Sale, ship from US) preselected.

Happy shopping 🙂